[ Close this box ] Our totally up front privacy policy (That's a promise!) We don't play with your information. Your privacy is respected and as such, we have terms and conditions that we bind ourselves to. They are... 1. Any e-mail you give us is safe. We store your data in databases that only the staff of Inspire3 Ltd. (the company behind Brain Evolution System) have access to. No-one besides us will ever get your e-mail address. 2. We'll never sell you. We never rent out or sell our in-house contact lists like other companies might. So you'll never receive junk mail or anything from any third-party by entering your details into any of our forms. 3. We hate spam, and we'll only ever send you relevant emails. We think spam sucks. Hate it, hate it, hate it! So you'll never get any from us. Just relevant e-mails about BrainEv, self-help in general or stuff that we think you will find worthwhile. And ONLY from us. If you ever want to get off our list... 3. Easy "one-click" unsubscription in every email. If you want to get off our list permanently, there's an "unsubscribe" link in every one of our outgoing e-mails. Just click it and you're instantly off the list... that means you'll never receive another e-mail from us (unless you specifically ask to, of course). I personally guarantee all of the above! Sincerely,  Lee Benson Founder, Brain Evolution System™ For Inspire3 Ltd. [ Close this box ] |